So, our first visit at the Baby House was this morning. We were nervous we weren't going to be able to go this morning either because they had a hard time getting in contact with the Inspector. We finally made it over there around 11:30 and sat in the office of the Baby House Director where they brought in 3 babies for us to choose from. The first 2 babies they brought in just sat in our laps and looked around the room. When they brought Bryce in, they gave him to me, he looked around the room, and then burst into tears. :) So, we were able to see and hold him for about 2 minutes before they came back in and took him away. They said it was his lunch time so, he was hungry. We discussed his medical information with the Director and then set up time for our daily visits. Unfortunately, there is only one visitation room available and several families are here now adopting so, we are only allotted time for one visit a day. Our first visit with Bryce will be Saturday morning from 9:00 - 10:00. We'll let everyone know how it goes.
For now, I'll leave you with some pictures that we've taken so far:
Starting off on our journey

Cari & translater Aliya coming out of "Kid's Cafe" after lunch

Russian Orthodox Church