We went to the Cherry Blossom Festival and then on to pick tangerines today. The cherry blossoms aren't in full bloom yet so, we didn't get to see too many. We went to pick tangerines afterwards and Bryce had a good time pulling them off of the trees. I think he enjoyed it more when the would roll down the hill after he dropped them. Some of the Japanese ladies that were there gave him some of their tangerines to fill his bucket with. You can eat the tangerines as you're picking them so, we were all enjoying that.
Cherry Blossoms

Making new friends

Even the food booths are decorated with cherry blossoms

Getting help picking tangerines from dad


Observing how mommy picks tangerines

Being silly and trying to eat the whole thing

Attempting to pick a tangerine on his own

Gimme some more!

Going home after picking tangerines (note all of Bryce's rolled out of his bucket)