Well, we're heading into week 2 of our General directed lockdown. Places on base are crazy now since all Americans are restricted to military installations. The line to get into restaurants is a mile long and just this past weekend, there was a 2 hour wait at the bowling alley. Luckily, the lockdown doesn't apply to educational activities so Bryce and I will be able to get off base for a little while tomorrow to attend his Kindermusik class. If you're interested in what's been going on in Okinawa, here is a recent article: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/02/19/japan.military.ap/index.html?iref=mpstoryview
Since we can't go to any of the indoor playgrounds off base, we've been keeping busy by mowing the lawn, playing in the sandbox, and fingerpainting with friends...