I had the most amazing experience today. I had the opportunity to taxi out onto the flightline in an F-15 jet. I went through training in a simulator on how to get into the jet and how to quickly get out in case of an emergency. Then I got fitted for my flight suit, vest, and helmet. While we were waiting, we hung out in the "Bat Cave" (the pilot's bar). Then, the time came when my pilot, myself, Wayne & Bryce were taken out onto the flightline and we stepped into our jet. We started to taxi out onto the runway and the pilot let me call to the tower to get permission for our highspeed taxi. After getting permission, he let me push the throttles up before we took off. We took off and he went into afterburn (when you see the red flames come out the back of the jet). The whole time I was thinking to myself "This is soooo cool!"