Bryce had a good 1st birthday. He had an Elmo cake & decorations. He ate most of his chocolate cake (what he didn't eat ended up in his high chair). We took him on the patio afterwards and let him play in his pool to rinse the cake off of him. After swimming, he got to play with his new toys.
Birthday cake and decorations

Even Cody was part of the celebration

Eating his birthday cake

Mom & dad with the birthday boy

Playing with his new toys

Happy 1st Birthday Bryce! Love, Jay, Suzy, Kristin and Kathryn
HAPPY Birthday Bryce!
Sending you birthday hugs from
The Kane Crew
Happy, Happy Birthday Bryce! Love the pics in the swimming pool, it's looks cold! Love, Heather, Jon and Brayden
Happy 1st Birthday Bryce! Sending hugs and kisses. xoxoxoxo The Morgans
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