Bryce and I had a great time during our visit in Kansas. We definitely enjoyed the much cooler weather and seeing all the green grass and trees. We stayed busy the whole time going to Chicago to our cousin David's wedding, going to the K-State stockyards & gardens, visiting with friends, picking pumpkins in grandma & grandpa's backyard, hiking on the Konza and most importantly, going to the K-State Football game. Go Cats! When we left Kansas Wednesday morning, it was raining and 59 degrees. When we arrived in Arizona, it was a sunny & warm 105 degrees. Bah!
We're getting back into the swing of things at home now and Wayne is certainly happy to have us back. Bryce starts soccer practice on Saturday and starts school part-time on Monday so, we'll have to let everyone know how that goes.
At the wedding...

Hanging out with grandpa in his tent...

Helping grandma make cookies...

His favorite animal at the stockyard...

Picking pumpkins from the pumpkin patch (note: if you ever want to grow pumpkins in your backyard, just throw your old pumpkins out back and let nature take it's course...)

Go Cats!

K-State Gardens...

Random pics...

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