Sunday, April 15, 2007

Feeding Time

For the first time today, we get to feed Bryce. We're going in for our morning visit later and then staying afterwards for lunch. It's amazing that we've been spending time with this boy for the past 2 weeks and all we've ever seen him eat is a cookie. This will be a fun experience this afternoon. After lunch today, Aliya and Olga will be coming over to go over our questions for court tomorrow. I'm not sure if I've posted this before or not but at our court hearing, Wayne will have to give a small speech just to speak on our behalf on why we want to adopt this boy and the kinds of opportunities that we will be able to provide him. So, we'll be rehearsing his speech tonight.

2 other families arrived in town this week so, we have nextdoor neighbors now, Dave & Amy from Maryland. We're glad to have fellow Americans here with us to share this experience with. Last night was Dave's birthday so we went our for beer & pizza to celebrate. It was so nice to get out of the apartment and just relax for a little bit with friends.

We were busy yesterday afternoon preparing our giftbags for the caregivers at the Babyhouse so again, I don't have any new pictures to offer you.

Coming soon, pictures of Bryce...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excited for you! Look forward to seeing pics of you and your little Bryce together! Positive Wayne will knock them out of the water with his speech! He is so good with little ones, I am sure the judge will be able to see the passion beyond the words!