Sorry to leave everyone hanging this week. We lost internet connection while we were in Uralsk Monday night and never got it back. We're in Almaty now using dial up connection so, this will be short. Luckily I typed up a Blog about our court & first day with Bryce to save so I will post that. The rest of the week went well. He's eating good, sleeping through the night, and we're having a great time with him. The plane ride went awesome today. We couldn't have asked for a better child. The only time he got fussy was when it was his nap time but, that only lasted a few minutes and then he slept for about half an hour. He did great in Almaty this afternoon. As soon as we got off the plane, they whisked us away to take his visa pics, to the legal office, then to the medical clinic to take his blood and examine him. He didn't cry once. So, here's the blog from the beginning of the week. Since we're on dial-up, I'll try to upload some new pics in the morning. Love, Cari, Wayne & Bryce
I’m sitting here typing in Microsoft Word in hopes that the internet repair guy will be here soon so that I can copy and paste this to our Blog. The internet went down Monday evening and hasn’t been up since. So, while Bryce takes a nap, let me update everyone and what’s been going on with us for the past couple of days before it all becomes a blur.
So Monday was our court date. Olga and Aliya came over Sunday evening to go over what questions to expect and to talk about what Wayne should say in his speech. We were a little overwhelmed to say the least. We had our morning visit with Bryce Monday morning and then laid around the apartment the rest of the morning until it was time to get ready for court. Our court hearing started at 2:30 and the Judge,Prosecutor, Babyhouse Director, Inspector, Olga, a member from the records department, Aliya, Wayne, and myself were present. As during pre-court, Wayne answered the majority of the questions and I noticed as he was answering his questions, the judge appeared to be checking his email. I don’t think he made eye contact with either one of us during the hearing and at one point he even yawned. The Prosecutor asked one question and then the Babyhouse Director and Inspector presented documents for the court. We asked for Immediate Execution of the judges decision so that we didn’t have to wait an additional 15 days to take custody of Bryce and both the Director & Inspector supported our request. When it came time for a determination to be made, the Prosecutor granted our application for adoption but denied our request for Immediate Execution, luckily, the judge overruled the Prosecutor and granted both our request for adoption & our request for Immediate Execution. Yahoo! The whole nerve racking process took 30 minutes. Afterwards, we were whisked away to buy babyfood, a cake for the caregivers, and then we went to sign for the Adoption & Birth Certificate. We didn’t get to pick Bryce up until Tuesday morning so, we went out for a dinner celebration with our neighbors from Maryland, Dave & Amy.
So Tuesday morning, we loaded up all of our gifts & cake for the caregivers and headed off to the Babyhouse for one last time to pick up Bryce. We met with the Director first and she wished as all the best with Bryce. Then all of the caregivers came in to say goodbye and we presented them with their gifts & cake. All was going well until it was time to put Bryce into his snowsuit. He was not happy at all with that. We left the babyhouse and Bryce calmed down for a little while because I’m sure it’s the first time that he’s been outside since he was brought here from the maternity hospital. The car ride was pretty rough because Bryce was terrified and still not too happy about the snowsuit.
We got him home and settled and that’s when the real fun began. We had our first diaper blow-out and outfit change about an hour into began back at the apartment. After we took care of that, we had lunch which was a success. We got him to lay down for his afternoon nap then which lasted about an hour. Afterwards, we had our second diaper and wardrobe change due to him peeing during the diaper transition. Oops! The rest of the afternoon & dinner went well. We started the bedtime routine around 7:30 and that was a rough patch because he didn’t want anything to do with a bottle and he was so tired at that point that he was screaming. I had him laying in the living room with me with the lights out then just to get him settled down and he finally went to bed a little after 9:00. The night went well. He was fussy a few times but never really woke up so, we all had a pretty good night’s rest.
So far, we’re doing good this morning. We’re going to try to go out on a walk with the stroller this afternoon to see how that goes. Hopefully the internet guy comes and we get that back up and running so I can post new pics for everyone to see.
Cari, Wayne & Bryce