It feels so good to be home. The plane ride went well. It was a long day but, Bryce did great and was really only fussy when it was close to nap time. The only trouble we ran into was when we landed in Mainland Japan and they wondered why we had a Japanese Visa for him (after all we went through to get it). When we brought Bryce into his bedroom last night, it just felt so surreal. Here we've been planning this and setting up the room for what feels like forever and now, we have a little person here to enjoy it. And boy does he. In a matter of minutes this morning, he had all of his toys scattered all over the place. He's also getting to know the layout of the house. One minute we're in the bedroom playing and the next minute, Wayne sees me running across the hallway to catch Bryce who's now in the kitchen. And then there's Cody. Cody is our 12 year old Lab who is a minature horse but, as sweet as can be. Looking at it from the point of view of a little person who has never seen a dog, Cody can be pretty overwhelming. Bryce has attempted to pet Cody a time or two but pretty much steers clear of him. From Cody's point of view, he now has a new best friend who has a bunch of cool toys that he wants to play with and food that is just waiting to end up on the floor for him. So, here are a couple of pictures from our first day home...

How fun! I thought I saw the lights on at your place. I'm glad yall made it back safely! Give us a ring...
I am so glad that you are home! It looks like he couldn't be any happier! Can't wait to meet him in June.
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