Not too much to write about today. Bryce was sleeping when we went for our morning visit so, he was pretty calm today. Hopefully he'll shake his cold once we get to bring him home. We had our list of questions answered by the caregivers so we were able to review that yesterday. One of the questions we asked is "What solid food are being fed to him?" We thought you might find what he eats interesting:
breakfast-milk cereal with butter, cocoa or tea, bread with cheese and butter
at 10 am-juice, cookies
lunch-meat soup, vegetable puree with a meat loaf, tea or juice
snack-milk with a roll or cookies
dinner-milk cereal or milk soup, bread, juice
So, we think that adjusting to American food will be a big change for him.
It's cold today so we didn't do much sightseeing. So, the only pictures that I have to offer you are of Wayne's dream van. They're everywhere and he's trying to figure out how he can get one back home to Okinawa with him...

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