Things continue to go well here for us but, we’re really ready to get home. Five more days left to go. Tomorrow we’re headed for the Japanese Embassy to get Bryce’s Visa to enter into Japan since he has a Kazakhstan passport. On Tuesday, we go to the US Embassy.
We’re learning more about each other each day. We know when he’s hungry (which is just about always). I just learned this evening that I can’t eat my own cookie in front of him without him expecting me to give him some of it. We know when he’s tired (but, that doesn’t always mean that he will lay down in his crib without a fight). We know where all of his tickle spots are (which is just about everywhere). We know that we can expect him to be a crazy man after he’s had a diaper change and a full belly. We know which 2 toys are his favorites (1 is a rattle from the 100 yen store and the other are his stacking rings that we bought at the grocery store in Uralsk). We’re also teaching him new things such as waving “bye bye” and saying “dadadada” and “mamama”.
We were afraid that since he was already 10 months when we met him that we would miss out on a lot of firsts but, we’ve already shared a lot of firsts with him this past month. We put him in his first snowsuit, experienced his first car ride (other than the one from the maternity hospital to the babyhouse), took our first stroller ride outside, sat in grass for the first time, went to the mountains, went to the zoo, fed him his first Goldfish crackers, and pretty soon I’m sure we’ll get to witness his first steps. We’re also looking forward to the first time that we can take him to the beach to play in the sand and water.
Here is a picture from our walk yesterday and the first time he sat in grass…

We’re learning more about each other each day. We know when he’s hungry (which is just about always). I just learned this evening that I can’t eat my own cookie in front of him without him expecting me to give him some of it. We know when he’s tired (but, that doesn’t always mean that he will lay down in his crib without a fight). We know where all of his tickle spots are (which is just about everywhere). We know that we can expect him to be a crazy man after he’s had a diaper change and a full belly. We know which 2 toys are his favorites (1 is a rattle from the 100 yen store and the other are his stacking rings that we bought at the grocery store in Uralsk). We’re also teaching him new things such as waving “bye bye” and saying “dadadada” and “mamama”.
We were afraid that since he was already 10 months when we met him that we would miss out on a lot of firsts but, we’ve already shared a lot of firsts with him this past month. We put him in his first snowsuit, experienced his first car ride (other than the one from the maternity hospital to the babyhouse), took our first stroller ride outside, sat in grass for the first time, went to the mountains, went to the zoo, fed him his first Goldfish crackers, and pretty soon I’m sure we’ll get to witness his first steps. We’re also looking forward to the first time that we can take him to the beach to play in the sand and water.
Here is a picture from our walk yesterday and the first time he sat in grass…

Hi Cari, Wayne & Bryce,
Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful firsts with us! We are so happy for all of you as you continue to enjoy and love each other so much!
It's official! When you've experience the diaper blow out, you are truly parents! I am so glad to hear that everything is going so well. Can't wait to see you, you'll be home before you know it.
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